Anime World
RPG Boards
Join the RPG
The Rules
Battle Information
Pokemon Multimedia

Joining The RPG

To join, just fill out the application below. Unfortunately I am not able to reply to the applications I get every day, so if you do not recieve an acceptance letter from me within two weeks, consider your application rejected. Remember, the more detail you give me in your answers, the more likely I am to choose you for a member of the RPG. Good Luck!

Please remember any application that is missing any of these will be automatically disqualified! To Guarentee that your character will be accepted to the RPG, follow the guidelines on the Example Page.

What is your name?

What is your character's name?

What is your E-mail address?

What is your age?

What is your character's age?

Are you:

Are you:
Team Rocket

If you are a Trainer you have a choice of the following starting Pokemon ONLY:

Character Description:

Write your first post here as if you were posting on the board:
(If you need any ideas, see this Example)

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