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The Rules
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Joining The RPG

These are the rules of the RPG. If you can't obey the rules, you can't play. You can't try to sneak past it eigther, Pikachu is always on the look out for rule breakers.

  1. You Must Register To Be Able To Play.Pikachu is on the lookout for non-members, so be wary.
  2. You Must Have a Valid Email Address Even if you do register and application, any application without an email address will be ignored. You get notifications that your character was added by email, and also important messages. I do not spam your box, nand I only give out your address to your Team's Co-GM.
  3. You must wait for an Email Registration is only official if you get an email from Pikachu the Game Master that says you have been added. Do not get upset if you do not get an email right away, it takes time. Incomplete applications are compleately ignored. Submit it again if it has been over a week, and only then.
  4. You start out with NO pokemon. That's right, you cannot start out with a pokemon you found or befriended, they will probably be taken away. You get your first pokemon from Nurse Joy in the first post you make on your team board.
  5. You can only start with one of seven Pokemon. You only have a choice between Bulbasar, Charmander, and Squirtle, Pikachu, Chikorita, Totodile, or Cyndaquil. Even then the choices might be restricted due to an overpopulation of certain pokemon in the RPG.
  6. You get your begining Pokemon from Nurse Joy at any one of the Pokemon Centers. Just go up to the desk and ask. Nurse Joy will give you the pokemon you request, a pokedex, and a five pokeballs. The rest is up to you. Click here for an example.
  7. Double Characters Due to the Limited space on the RPG, any double character have to be approved by Pikachu first.
  8. Pokemon Must Align Themselves With a Trainer to Participate In Official Battles Pokemon who do not have a trainer are only allowed to battle with trainers that deal with their capture, but they may post their adventures as they want. Special circumstances are permitted on this rule.
  9. You have to do something! If you are not active for 7 days without warning Pikachu that you will be absent, your character will be removed from the RPG so that another person may play.
  10. Offensive language is a No-No! If you continueally use language that is considered offensive You Character Will Be Removed! This may seem a little harsh, but it is better to lose one character who repeatedly uses foul language, the to lose several characters because they are offended. Let's keep the RPG clean. The RPG is supposed to kid-friendly, and lets keep it that way.
  11. You Can Get Hurt! I have notice on other RPGs that there is usually a resident "Twink". This means that the player refuses to believe that anything bad happened to him/her and that everything always goes their way. This is also known as a Powergamer. I have seen RPG's fall apart at the hands of these twinks, and I refuse to let that happen here. Powergaming is a serious offense and will be delt with rather toughly. Characters are only allowed to catch 3 Pokemon a week. Your RPG should be based on pokemon, but your whole existance should not revolve around catching them. You should interact, and create problems for your character to solve.
  12. Stick to Levels I am not too strict with this, but it does fall into another area of the rule above. New pokemon joining the RPG are only allowed to be be level 10. Baby pokemon are at level 1 (of course!) The only exception is Evolved pokemon, who start at the level they evolve. If you break this rule it is considered Powergaming. For more info see rule 11.
  13. Pace yourself, but not too much You are only suggested to post less then 5 story related posts a day. Non-story posts (designated by an (NS) or (OT)) are not limited, but this does not mean that you can post a ton of them at once. Also there is a time limit on how long a fight can go on. If a fight lasts longer than a week, I will step in and end it.
  14. Evolution You must get Pikachu's Approval before you can have your pokemon evolve. This may seem a minor thing, but it does fall under powergaming occasionally.
  15. Villany Villians are a major part of any story. In this RPG Team Rocket is the major source of villians. A villan is restricted in what he/she can do to a character. You cannot kill or cause permanant dammage to any player without their consent. This goes for good guys too. Small, minor wounds are ok though. Plots against someone are also ok, just do not make them too damaging. Villians must also agree to an extra set of three rules:
    1. You cannot kill or permanantly damage a player character without their permission.
    2. You must pick an objective and see it through. You may do other things but you will always return to your objective.
    3. You cannot act another player's character against that player's permission. You need to email or post asking them for their permission first.
  16. Acting another character Acting another character is fine, especially since it makes the storyling go along much faster. But there is an extent to what you can do. You cannot make major decisions for another character without that character's consent. Making the character act outside of it's normal character is not good eigther. If you aren't certain, email the character and ask them. If you feel the rights of your character have been violated because someone else wrote something your character would not do, talk to your Co-GM about having the person who wrote the damaging post partially or fully rewrite it.
  17. Catching Pokemon When you catch pokemon, you can only have your pokemon battle it, and you may not use any other weapons. (ie swords, rocks, or pajamas.) Also the post may not be a short "I had charmander flame the pokemon and I caught it." type of post. The post does not have to be a great length, but your adventure should have some depth to it.
  18. Gym Battles You can only participate in Gym battles if you are a trainer, or a pokemon allied with a trainer. Wild pokemon may not compete for badges. This rule is in place to help characters interact more. Also gym battles will be in the follwing manner. Each Gym leader has three pokemon, appropriate to the Gym leader. During the battle a trainer may only use three of their pokemon, and the battle continues until eigther the trainer or the gym leader has had up all three pokemon fainted and has no pokemon left to battle. See the Official RPG Gym Leaders list.
  19. The Pokemon League Trainers who collect 6 or more badges (Orange league and Zap league badges are accepted, as well as Johto league.) can join the Pokemon league. When there are 10 or more trainers in the league, Pikachu will start an official league competetion. The competetion will be in the same manner as the gym battles, and the last trainer will become The Pokemon Master for the RPG.
  20. Another point on Email It is suggested you share your email address with everyone in your group so they can email you problems and questions. You do, however, reserve the right to keep your email address to yourself. Only Pikachu and your Co-GM will have it if you do.
  21. Pikachu's (The Game Master) Word is Final Pikachu's word is final regarding most things. Take your problem to your Co-GM first though. If you believe one of us was not fair in a matter, Email Pikachu, and I will consider your point and change the decision if necessary.
  22. Have Fun! Remember, this is just a game. It's here to provide enertainment, not as something to get into and start berating everyone. If you decide you don't like the game, or the way it is run, email me instead of posting and I will remove you from the game. This makes the RPG a happier place.

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